Thursday, May 30, 2013


Airports give me mixed emotions.

After waking up at 2am, tea and toast lovingly made by my mum, and an interesting chat with a Lebanese taxi driver, I made it here with the obligatory 3 hours to spare. I checked in without hassle and then found out customs didn't open until 4am. 

When customs opened I lined up, gels and liquids in separate transparent bag, metals removed and trying to smile as best I could at 4am. First Customs Officer advised boot removal not necessary. Second looked me up and down and growled 'boots off' and as if for punishment sent me for a full body scan. Third Officer shouted at me from outside the scanning booth for placing my hands on top my head instead of over my head. Fourth Customs Officer took me aside and swabbed my bag, my arms, and my shoes. No drugs or sharp objects (internal or external).

Now I am sitting at the only place open - McDonalds - drinking a watery coffee and listening to kids screaming all around me. The only thing more annoying than that is the parents who seem oblivious to their children's bad behaviour. If I'm lucky they're all booked on the 6:30 Fiji flight.

Then I look beyond all the annoyances and see people who are all embarking on some kind of journey. Where are they going? Why? Who and what are they leaving behind and who or what are they going to see? What are their stories? What are their sacrifices, compromises, feelings and thoughts? What are they hoping to achieve?

I've seen a lot of friends embark on journeys for all different kinds of reasons. Some have met their expectations entirely, and others have surprised or disappointed. None have been failures.

So, what is this journey of mine about? 

Taking a well needed break from everyday life, seeing my too distant family and eating pastizzi in Malta.

1 comment:

  1. I think the airport customer guys like you!
    True about nothing open at 4am it is stupid. You are told you have to be there at so many hours before the flight, only to find nothing is open.
