Saturday, June 1, 2013

High Society

I've made it to London.

My flights were as good as cattle class can be. The 13 hours from Sydney to Dubai was spent next to a nice young couple who were as considerate as you could ask for. The girl even offered me her trashy magazines to read. It was long and tedious though.

The second flight from Dubai to London was spent sitting between two men:

The first (window seat) was a lovely man who worked for Save the Children in Iraq. He was heading home to see his family in Ireland after a few weeks away. He listened to arabic music and danced in his chair - his hands raised just enough to signal joy but not enough to alert the attendants. He bought his wife two bottles of perfume, because 'she has to put up with me'. I thought he was just lovely.

The second (aisle seat) was a prat-grown-up businessman. He smelled like a mix of rotting gut and stale cigarette smoke. He grunted at me once during the flight when I politely asked him if I could get out to use the bathroom. The rest of the flight he spent skyping his ditzy girlfriend and commenting to the attendants on how this and that was 'shite'. It got worse the more beer he drank.

The aircraft (A380) was amazing. I didn't feel a hint of that dreaded simultaneous push down and pull up that happens with take-off, and the turbulence they warned of was nothing more than a little wobble here and there. The seats were comfortable and spacious and reclined well and the entertainment system functioned fantastically. Emirates staff are also so attentive and kind. The plane also had wifi, which was just amazing. The $10 it cost to be able to message people and play online was worth every cent.

Today I am just pottering around my brother's place relaxing, drinking tea and doing a bit of reading and writing. I might bake something later with the cherries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries I bought this morning. I might paint my nails. I might poke around in my brother's book collection. I might have a nap or go for a walk. I might have a play of his piano or might take some photos of the pretty flowers in his garden. I may also do none of the above.

Being a lady of leisure is not a bad thing at all.


  1. I can only say, plan nothing and enjoy everything. If you plan nothing, then everything that happens is a joy. Have a great and wonderful time. While here is Sydney it is pissing down rain! That is the only way to describe it. We have the two fires burning and it is only 11 am. Cold and wet.
    Hummm wifi on the plane. Not sure about that. Especially with the guy in the aisle seat. You should have asked to change seats... It is a lottery, but at least the guy at the window was the counter balance.

    1. Plan nothing and enjoy everything. I like it!
      It was overcast and cool yesterday but people were still out in their t-shirts and shorts (while I was wishing I'd brought a coat).
      I love fires. We will have to come over with some mulled wine making ingredients when I get back. This makes the cold bearable :)
