Monday, June 10, 2013

Goodbye Santorini

After returning from Oia I got myself all prettied up and went back out to the Caldera in Fira. The hotel is only a short walk, but level of difficulty was high in my new London bought heels. A woman commented to me "wow you look great but those shoes must be uncomfortable". I felt pretty silly,and unstable.

I walked up to the sunset viewing "platform" - a curved section of the path where people gather to watch the sun go down. On the way I stopped to listen to a young boy playing the accordion under the instruction of his maestro. Judging by the number of Euros this kid had in his plastic cup I'd be surprised if he earned less than me in a day, especially during the summer.

While I was waiting for the sun to go down i made a little friend. She was unabashedly curious, sticking her whole head into my handbag at one stage. She rolled and turned next to me even letting me rub her tummy (hussy!), before jumping down into the scrub to chase lizards and then find her own private sunset viewing spot.

The water looked like thick melted gold once the sunset started. Three or four boats made their way around the edge of the island, leaving golden ripples behind them.

The people stood by ready and waiting with their cameras, or cuddling up with their loved one.

And the sun began to set, turning everything yellow and then orange, before it faded into the clouds on the horizon.

My last night in Santorini.

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