Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spoleto II

My second day in Spoleto started with a trip down to the supermarket. What a fantastic place! All the pig and cheese and fresh fruit and vegetables!! Whole cured legs of pig for €8.50kg. I would have taken photos but there were no photo signs everywhere.

I spent the afternoon walking around the castle, and then visited the castle itself.

Ponte delle Torre - This aqueduct was built in the 13th century, possibly on Roman foundations. It is tucked away on the other side of the hill behind the castle. The ring road (above) circles the base of the castle and links the town centre to the bridge.

The view of Rocca Albornoziana (built 1360ish) from the other side of the bridge.

Inside Rocca Albornoziana. It was a stinking hot afternoon and yet I still climbed fit up into the castle. It was used for a number of other purposes, including a prison, and so has lost many of the frescoes and artistic detail it must have once held.

Some details have remained.

The view down over Spoleto from the castle.

A statue of St Luke as a winged bull, with book.

I have been fascinated with the visual representation of Lions during this trip. I've noticed it before, but early medieval lions just look weird - nothing like more recent representations.

Detail from one of the pretty frescoes in the castle.

A statue of Mary and Jesus I liked.

Sweaty me doing a selfie in the castle square.

A panoramic view of Spoleto.

The path leading down from the castle (the last 2/3 of it anyway!)

After all this I rushed home to cook the rabbit Luke had bought earlier in the week. I've never cooked rabbit before, but it was very delicious!

After dinner, because it was so hot in the apartment, Luke and I walked the same route around the castle.

There were poppies everywhere on the side of the path.

Luke translating Goethe from German. 

A roman snail.

With my big brother.

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