Friday, June 14, 2013

Naxos (the end)

I'm spending my last morning back in the Chora. Right now I'm sitting in the cool at a pretty little cafe in the labyrinth - Cafe Naxos.

It has been a funny weather day with rain this morning and then sticky humidity. Now it is a little overcast and cool. 

Last night I did the last of my niece and nephew gift buying and then found a taverna for some mezze dinner. I ordered some olives, some tirokafteri (spicy cheese), bread, dolmades and some rosé. They brought out all that plus tzatziki, beetroot dip and some other runny yoghurt, ouzo and dill (?) dip, and extra wine. The staff talked to me and explained the food to me and were impressed with how much I already knew about Greek food. It was so nice to have that - I've found that people here don't really engage unless necessary. I've never had that before and it has made travelling alone a little more lonely this time.

That is except for the lovely Maria I met at the embroidery store who spent 8 years living in Campsie and often visited her uncle in Marrickville. She helped me buy some beautiful things and will look me up if she comes back to Sydney for a visit (her folks are in Bateman's Bay). She just walked past me here at the cafe this morning and stopped for a chat. A small world!

The sunset last night was another stunning one at the port.

I've really liked Naxos, but the Greek culture is one of family and friends and so it would be good to return with some of my own.

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