Monday, June 3, 2013


I spent 6 hours walking around London today.

I started at Cannon Street, then to Covent Garden, then down to Charing Cross, and finally ending up at Oxford Street. For those who know London you will understand the reasonableness of that walk.

Because I've been to London a few times now there isn't much wonder left here for me. There is nothing remarkable about the place - it seems like just another big city. A very very big city. 

There were only two things that struck me today:

(i) I was appalled that St Paul's Cathedral charges almost £20 for sightseeing entry. I think that churches should ask for donations but not charge an entry fee, no matter how much they think they need the money. Worshippers and people wanting to engage in prayer could enter without charge, but I felt that if I took that liberty I'd be under scrutiny. Is she raising her eyes to God or to view the architecture?

(ii) I was struck by how much I stood out with my casual clothes, tousled unkempt hair and laid back approach. The people I saw today all seemed to be so tightly wound. If you can gauge a population's happiness by their willingness to interact with strangers (even if only by returning a smile), this lot is pretty sad. I found the same in Paris, and Rome.

There was one happy bloke. He hijacked my photo on The Strand and confessed 'I'm drunk, love'. I laughed, took the photo and thanked him for his time.

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