Thursday, June 6, 2013

Nephew #3 (birth order)

Isaac was upset that he didn't go to choir practice with his sister. He slumped in the sitting room in a huff. I said 'Oh Isaac, I need some company over a cheese platter while we wait for dinner to be ready'. I'd heard yesterday that he was particularly fond of cheese.

He thought that sounded like a good idea, but only if done in front of the tv as he was watching the (kids) news.

I said 'you do know I am leaving tomorrow and it is so lovely outside, I think I'd like to be out there eating cheese'.

He thought about it and said 'Well, I guess we should go outside and have a good conversation seeing as you're leaving'.

We went outside and he gobbled down all the blue cheese with some cherries he said were 'a bit tangy at the end' (they were so sour I only had one). He also created a 'taste sensation' by combining a soft goats cheese with wensleydale.  

We talked about the girls at his school: either he didn't like them or thought they 'had problems'. We also talked about holidays and family. He thinks his sister is 'funny... yes, very funny'. 

I think he is one amazing little boy. 


  1. Sounds more sophisticated than most of the conversations we have, Nomes!

  2. I hate to break it to you Di, but that wouldn't be too hard (sometimes).

    He chastised me yesterday, and for good reason. You see, his sister has a broken arm at the moment in a pink cast, and a boy at school had twisted it during their PE lesson. I told his sister 'Don't worry, usually when boys do things like that it is because they like you'.

    She didn't like the idea at all, but Isaac just thought it was plain silly. 'I think he was just being mean' he said. 'I mean, she has her arm in a cast, it is OBVIOUSLY broken, and he chose to twist it'. He turned to me and said, quite seriously 'I don't think that is a sign he likes her'.
