Sunday, June 2, 2013


I finally got to see the kids yesterday. Ms Tia is 8 (going on 15) and Mr Isaac is 5. While it is not a word i use often for kids, they are both delightful.

Tia sweetly took me up to her bedroom to show me all her princess paraphernalia - dresses, shoes, jewels. She then got herself out of her grotty brownie camping weekend gear and into an old bridesmaid dress, with sparkly gold shoes, a sparkly necklace, side bun and headband. She then took me into the lounge room, sat me down and danced and sang/mimed 'all I want for Christmas is you'. Tonight we will put on some make-up and do a show for the others. She is definitely my kinda girl.

Isaac, on the other hand, whizzed past me in the hallway when he got home. I grabbed him and gave him the boomerang and didgeridoo I bought from Australia. He spent the rest of the night running around the house 'playing' his didgeridoo like a recorder until I showed him a youtube clip of how it is really done. Then he didn't want to go to bed cause he had to practice his didgeridoo playing. Very cute.

I cooked a big lebanese dinner for them all last night - kibbe, koosa, hommus, baba ganouj, tabbouleh and fatoush. We sat outside on the patio in the sun and ate together. Family is good :)

1 comment:

  1. There must be something hilarious about your baba ganouj. Isaac looks like he's about to burst into silly giggles. Very cute!
    It looks truly summery over there. I'm glad the weather is all warm and sparkly for you. I love that you're using your London time to unwind and relax and spoil your family with your cooking. They won't want to let you go. Let me know how your Spectacular! Spectacular! performance with your niece goes. Break a leg! x
