Friday, June 14, 2013

Naxos Day II

The last few days are all a bit muddled. The mornings are easy enough to work out, but the evenings have just been spent wandering around the Chora. The old city is built around a Venetian Castle, built in the 13th Century by the Barozzi family, who came to Naxos after The Turks seized Crete. The streets really are a labyrinth - I've walked past the same shops countless times by taking a different turn and ending up back where I was. Some pasageways are so low that i have to bend to get through, there are small spiral staircases leading up to front doors, and pretty pink flowers hang on vines against the white of the walls. I could spend all day wandering around here, taking the occasional break in the cool shade offered at various points.

(Some of these photos were taken at dusk. The church was particularly pretty, made completely of marble, as are many things around here)

All the houses have these little lion head doorbells.

I also visited the Venetian Museum, which was at the top of the hill in the original tower house. It was an interesting mix of Italian and Greek pieces trying to reconstruct some of the possible original domestic belongings that would have filled the house.

(I thought this was touching, a little girl's dress and the picture of her wearing it)

The view from the bedroom window.

The view from another window.

I think I could live here.

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